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Thank you for visiting my site although I'm sorry it's under these circumstances. Having been through my own heartbreaks, I know the pain of breaking up with someone you love. My goal is to help you during this very difficult time and offer ways to help you get back together with your ex.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Jealousy in Relationships – Deal with Jealousy in Order to Fix a Failing Relationship and Even Maintain a Healthy One

Are you a jealous person? I’m going to be honest with you. I definitely am. Truth be told, I think we all have been at some point.  In fact I believe that jealousy in relationships is a simple fact of life.  The question is…how extreme does it get for you? Can you control it or do your jealous fits control you and affect your relationship?

When my boyfriend and I broke up, I did all the wrong things in my attempts to get him back. Getting jealous and acting on that jealousy was one of those wrong things.

Fortunately after taking some time and doing some self-reflection, I learned all about what jealousy is and what causes it. After that I was able to work through those issues to help bring my boyfriend back and now have a healthy relationship with him.

Please allow me to share with you some of what I’ve learned to help you avoid making the mistakes I did.

First, much of jealousy stems from fear. It’s based on the thought someone else has the advantage, that you’ll lose a possession, that there is not enough of something to go around, or that you may get cheated on. The examples of these descriptions are when your mate is looking at someone else you might think to be better than you, that your lover, or the love and attention that has been given to you will be taken away, that time spent with the guys or girls will reduce the amount of time you get with your partner, and the obvious one is that you’ll be cheated on.

When we can rationalize what the foundation of jealousy is, it helps us to start tackling the issues that bring about the jealousy in the first place. The biggest issue that I have learned is that jealousy starts when my self esteem is at its lowest. When I don’t feel like I’m good enough for someone to love or that I’m not pretty enough. When I doubt or reject myself in that manner then all I’m left with is fear that my partner won’t want to have anything to do with me. He’ll want someone better, he’ll want to spend time with that person or people other than me, he’ll cheat on me, and eventually I’ll lose him.

I had to reject that self rejection. I had to start believing in myself and believe I am worth someone’s time and attention. I needed to understand that there are millions of beautiful people in the world and I am one of them. Plus, I have a heck of a lot to offer.

When I accepted this truth, that’s when things started to change. I didn’t feel like I was competing with anyone for his time or attention. I knew that there was plenty of time and attention to go around and by having a special place in his heart; I would get my share and more. It was worth it to him to be with me and yet, if he chose not to be, then there was most definitely someone else who would like the chance.

Actually with my new found confidence, being secure in me and my abilities allowed me to see things much more clearly and I found that the things that bothered me before didn’t have the same effect now. And knowing that I’ve dealt with these struggles, I’ve also learned to recognize when the green-eyed monster wants to take over. That’s when I take a breath and sort through what’s happening before simply flying of the handle. As you can imagine, this can make life much easier and our relationship is definitely much better off for it.

And here is where I have to ask you if you’re dealing with jealousy in relationships. If so, maybe it’s time to take a look inside and find out what’s driving the jealousy. Are you okay with you? What are you afraid of?

Start asking some of these questions. Get to the real issues and start working on those. When you can come to an understanding of the cause of jealousy, work through that cause, and even solve some of the problems, that will go a long way in fixing a failing relationship and helping to maintain a healthy one

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What Can I Do To Save My Marriage – Your Plea for Help

Save My Marriage

If you're searching for answers to your question, “what can I do to save my marriage” then you're no doubt in a dire situation as your marriage has hit rocky ground.

Without a doubt there needs to be a period of reflection before you can launch into a plan to answer your search, “what can I do to save my marriage?” Failure to stop and think and then map out a plan could mean that you might very well end up going down dead ends and around and around in circles.

First, you should talk to your spouse, if you haven't already done so. Find out what they think of the situation and if they believe there is anything worth saving of the marriage. With any luck you both agree that you both want to save your marriage. From there you can decide to go forward together.

At this point you have multiple options available. You can either try to figure things out on your own, go for marriage counseling or search online for one of the many e-books that are available that will answer your question “what can I do to save my marriage?”

If you opt for marriage counseling you should consider that this process can be long, expensive and you really have to be prepared to open yourself and your marriage up to an outside third party. Not only that, you have to be lucky enough to find a therapist who will gel with you and your spouse in order for the process to work really well.

You could try to work things out between yourselves on your own and sometimes this can work really well. Open communication between the two of you is critical if you decide on this path and chances are, if you had open communication in the relationship in the first place, you wouldn’t be asking what I can do to save my marriage now.

You should also be aware that when going this route, you do run the risk of making things worse because you might not be entirely sure what you're doing or how to go about it. Not only that, you and your spouse will naturally take your corners and hold onto positions that you have, whether they are right or they are wrong. It’s human nature to protect yourself and that might not always be the right way for you to go forward to find ways to save a marriage.

The other alternative is to use one of the many e-books that are online. This can really be a break through choice for a lot of couples because it usually involves going at your own pace, paying a one time fee and getting step by step practical guidance about how to really save the marriage.

Without a doubt it is always easier to have your spouse on your side and the two of you fighting to save the marriage and work towards its success, but choosing the right resource to save the union is also crucial!

Find out if the Magic of Making Up is the right resource for you.  Go to ==> save my marriage.

To your ultimate success in love,

Jo Chris
Discover The Magic of Making Up

Here’s What to do if You Miss Your Ex

Do you miss your ex? Are you having trouble moving on? Would you like to move past the pain and heartache that your breakup has caused? How would you feel if you could have the arms of someone you care about wrapped around you again? The comfort, warmth, peacefulness all returned to your life.

There are times when getting back together with your ex is not an option. But that doesn’t mean you don’t miss being with him or her. Here are seven strategies to pursue when you miss your ex.

First, decide that it is over. As long as you’re open to the idea that there is a chance to get back together, you’ll continue to experience feelings of missing your ex. And if you practice strategies like texting, phoning, or trying to see them when you’re out and about trying to catch them off guard, you will continue to keep the feelings alive. Once you’ve decided it’s over, when you miss your ex follow the strategies presented here.

Second, get rid of all of their stuff. You can do an exchange where you give them their stuff and they give you yours. Holding on to physical items for sentimental reasons will just remind you of how much you miss your ex. Small things that are missed in the exchange can be thrown away such as a tooth brush or a comb. They will only serve as constant reminders that you don’t need.

Third, write your ex a letter…and then burn it. One reason why you continue to miss your ex is because you haven’t gotten them out of your system. That means that you’re still holding onto emotions associated with the relationship such as guilt, regret, passion, love, etc. So, write a letter pouring out all of your feelings about the relationship and the break up. When you have released your emotions via pen and paper, then get rid of the letter. There is something emotionally satisfying about watching your words go up in smoke.

If this information is helpful to you, learn more at ===> miss your ex. 

Fourth, reconnect with your friends. Sometimes when you get in a hot and heavy relationship, your connection and bond with friends and even family can wither. If this is the case, reconnect with those friends and family. Redevelop relationships that you have let simmer. Your friends and family will support and love you even if your ex doesn’t anymore.

Fifth, make new friends. One of the reasons you miss your ex is because he or she took up so much of your time. Now, in addition to the intense, sometime painful emotional void you are feeling, you have time on your hands. Fill that time with new activities or interests, something you’ve always wanted to do. Take a class at the local university’s extension program. Learn to do the tango. Join a co-ed softball team. Volunteer to clean up the park through an environmental program. When you keep busy, you will find that closing the time void also helps you close the emotional void.

Sixth, get a pet. A dog, cat, or other pet can provide real comfort and help you reconnect to what is real. A pet needs your attention and love. A pet can also give you love, unconditionally. When you miss your ex, you can reach out for a pet who loves you.

Seventh, start dating other people. The world moves on and so can you. There are a lot of other fish in the sea. Once you reconnect with your friends, start new activities, and even start to walk the dog, you will begin to see all of the opportunities you have with a new partner. Don’t worry that a first date has to lead to a complicated relationship when you are not ready for one. Just go out and enjoy yourself. Soon, you will stop feeling that you miss your ex so much.

In fact, follow these seven steps and given a short period of time you will find that you are not saying you miss your ex at all! And you could find yourself welcoming the newness of another love into your life.

Need more relationship advice for moving on?  Take a look at ==> miss your ex.

To your success in love,

Jo Chris

Discover the Magic of Making Up

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Are You Wondering How Do You Get Back Together with Your Ex?

Having the one you love walk out on you is no fun, in fact it down right hurts. And often your initial question ends up being how do you get back together with your ex? Truth is most people don't have much of a clue as to what to do to get an ex back and they find themselves doing what won't work. In fact it will only serve to push their exes further and further away. Well today you can find the answers to your question about how to get back together with your ex without making all the same old mistakes that result in failure.

Well first off running around town trying to see your ex and 'accidentally' bumping into him or her wherever you know they will be hanging out, usually won’t work. So if that's what you're doing as your attempt to get back together with your ex, then it's time to change that now.

If the breakup has been a particularly rough one, then you're going to need to give both yourself and your ex some time to get over that before you even attempt to make a real move to make up with them much less win them back.

Take yourself out of that breakup drama by distracting yourself and occupying yourself with other things. This might sound like you're actually avoiding the issue of the breakup. The truth is, you cannot make sound and rational decisions if you're still emotionally tied up, raw from what was said or done by you or your ex in the heat of the moment.

You could take a class, take a trip, volunteer, or get fit! Do something productive that is going to take you out of just sitting home and fixating on your ex mode. In all honesty, being the latter mode is a surefire way to make the wrong decisions and lose your ex for good.

As you're taking some time out from your ex, it is a good idea to think about what went wrong and what role you played in the break down of the relationship. This course of action is not to attribute blame. Rather it is an attempt to figure out what you need to do to make sure that you know the answer about how to get back together with your ex. Because as sure as the sky is blue and grass is green, if you sincerely want to find a way back to your ex, then you're going to have to come up with a reason for your ex to take you back. That means having a plan to change any 'bad' behavior that you exhibited to help cause the breakup.

It really is that simple. To get back together with your ex, give yourself some time to sort out your thoughts, figure out your role in the breakup and then start a fresh unassuming approach your ex.

More information about how to get back the one you love can be found here ===> Get back together with your ex.

To your success in love,

Jo Chris

Discover the Magic of Making Up

Friday, September 11, 2009

Can You Get Back Together With Your Ex Ever

Do you want to know if you can get back together with your ex ever? If that is what you are wondering it seems like you may be in a desperate situation. There may still be hope.

First, you have to believe that it won’t result in your or your ex's heart getting broken again. The truth is one of you screwed up. Who was it? Can the person who made the mistake that caused you to get broken up in the first place be trusted again? The answer to that question may not let you know the answer to whether you can get back together with your ex, but it will help you know if you should.

Is it a good idea for both of you to get back together? If you are fully convinced that it is then you might be able to. The problem is in convincing the ex that you should. You need to write down all the reasons that it will be a good idea to get back together your ex. It doesn’t need to be a letter or anything. It can be just a list of all the reasons why it would be a good thing to get your ex back. You can even put at the top of it, “Can I get back together with my ex or should I even try Pros and Cons”

(You're chances to get back with the one you love may be better than you think. 
Find out here ===> get back together with your ex)

On this list you are going to put down every reason that it would be good to get back together. Try brain storming if you have trouble coming up with good ideas. Write down everything that you can think of whether it’s silly or not. Sometimes the little things make all the difference in the world. After you have your list, go through and write down an objection to each one. Don’t be afraid to do this, it’s called being objective. The answer to whether you can get back together with your ex may be yes if you are able to find all objections and overcome them.

Look at this all critically and try to convince yourself that it isn’t a good idea. If you can’t do that then it’s a matter of letting your ex know the reasons why you should. What you have done with all of this is made yourself able to deal with any objections and concerns that she has of why it wouldn’t be a good thing. You may have very well found out the answer to if you can "get back together with your ex” by answering all the questions surrounding that one.

There is one objection that you might not be able to overcome and that is, “I just don’t want to.” If he or she just does not want to get back together, there might be no other reason for it. You can’t make him or her want you and you can’t convince them that they should. This is one of the things that you have to be prepared for. But you will at least be getting to the answer to your question. And if your ex does have a part of them that wants to be with you then the answer to whether you can I get back together with your ex is...'yes’.

Want to get your love back?  Find out how to get the one you love back into your arms. 
Go to ===> get back together with your ex
Sign up for a free guide to get your love back at the right of this screen.

To your success in love

Jo Chris
The Magic of Making Up
Get Back Together With Your Ex

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Relationship Psychology - What You Need to Know to Get Back Together With Your Ex

No relationship is perfect, but it is possible to make your partnership more enjoyable for each of you. After all, relationship psychology is all about finding ways to maintain a balance that stops one of both partners from becoming disillusioned with the union. If you've already broken up with your partner, then using similar relationship psychology principles can also help you to get back together with your ex.

Relationship psychology is about teaching each person inside the relationship how to recognize destructive or unhelpful patterns that could potentially be driving your partner away. The unfortunate part about most couples is that they often believe the other person will think the same way as they do. In truth, men and women have very different ways of communicating those things they need or want.

(This information is just the beginning.  To learn everthing you need to know to get your ex back, check out ==> get back together with your ex.)

Women need to remember that men place more value on actions rather than words. This means a woman who constantly tries to get her partner to address problems in the relationship by talking about the issues or arguing about bad behavior is almost certain to see an increase in those negative patterns.

Instead of talking or arguing your way through an issue, try using a more psychological approach. Men respond more positively to your actions. They want to know that they are capable of making you happy. A man who is constantly faced with an upset partner will begin to think there's nothing he can do to make you happy, so he'll withdraw even further from you, even to the point of breaking up.

However, if he's faced with a happy, confident partner who is a pleasure to spend time with, he's less likely to withdraw. In fact, he'll likely draw even closer because he enjoys being around you. Men in this situation will often find themselves doing whatever they can to make sure you stay as happy as you were on those occasions. If you find it difficult to raise your self-confidence, then try giving yourself a mini-make over or spend some time doing something you enjoy. When you feel good within yourself, you're more likely to radiate that confidence outwardly as well.

Men need to remember that women value slightly different emotional triggers than they do. Women want to know that the man they love places enough value on her to really listen to what she's saying. If you feel your wife or girlfriend is pulling away from you, then sit down and just listen.

Ask questions about what your partner has just said and then take notice of her responses. If men can learn to listen attentively without allowing their mind to wander off, their girlfriends will begin to feel more loved, which leads them in turn to develop into a good mood, which makes them happy and enjoyable to send time with.

These primary differences in relationship psychology between men and women are simple things you can do to help strengthen your existing relationship, but they'll also work equally well if you're trying to get back together with your ex.

Are you trying to get back the one you love? 
Your answers to that are here ===> get back together with your ex
Sign up for you free guide to help you get back together with your ex at the right of this post.

To your success in love,

Jo Chris
The Magic of Making Up
Get Back Together With Your Ex

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Are You Saying These Words, "I Lost Love" and Want To Get Back Together With Your Ex?

Get back together with your ex

Are you still holding a candle for your ex, telling your friends and family 'I lost the love of my life'? If that sounds like you then there might still be hope to get back together with your ex. There are some things anyone can do to make an ex fall madly in love with you all over again. You really can rekindle that old flame.
The first thing you need to think about is what might have gone wrong. Stop worrying about telling people 'I lost love' and think about what positive steps you can take instead. When you can identify what you think went wrong in the relationship, you're in a good position to begin working on tactics to rectify it and then put some things in place in order to get back together with your ex.
All relationships begin filled with excitement and adrenaline. You both want to please the other person, so you make a big effort to look good and say the right things. You both enjoy each others company, because you're both trying really hard to be enjoyable.

(If you're ready to get back the one you love...go to ===> get back together with your ex.)

At this point most relationships move into a comfortable phase, where you both feel a little more relaxed. This is the phase where many relationships break up and it can take anywhere from a month to a year to reach this point, and even longer with other people.
Unfortunately, some women misread the signals from their man. They think his comfortable phase means he's pulling away. Most women's first instinct is to try hard to bring him closer again. The usual tactic they try is to cling tighter to him, wanting to see him more often and wanting him to reassure her that he's not leaving.
The reality is men view these tactics as desperation and neediness, which makes them pull away. When their fun-loving, happy girlfriends begin these frantic efforts to cling to them, men feel as though they've lost the girl they fell in love with. Instead, they have a stranger who is making him feel as though he can't do anything right. This is the main reason why men begin to pull away from their girlfriends.
By taking a bit of time out after a break up and working on finding your own confidence again means that you'll realize you have the power to make yourself happy. You can pursue interests that please you or hang out with friends who make you feel good. These activities should also help you to realize that you don't need your ex to make you feel happy. You can do that yourself.
With your new self-confidence and positive attitude, you're in a much better position to call your ex and suggest getting together for a friendly chat over a cup of coffee. Let him see that you've found that happy, confident girl he fell in love with and his feelings will come rushing back. Remember, in the beginning of your relationship, it was the happy, easy going version of you that he fell in love with.
No relationship is perfect and of course you'll have moments where things aren't so perfect, but by making sure you both enjoy the time you spend with each other, you'll be less likely to be telling people 'I lost love' and more likely to tell people you were able to get back together with your ex and say,'I found the love of my life'.

Sometimes we learn at little late about the do's and dont's of a relationship at the cost of losing the one you love.  Fortunately, there is hope of getting your ex back. 
Learn more at ===> get back together with your ex.

To your success in love,

Jo Chris
The Magic of Making Up
Get Back Together With Your Ex 

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Emotional Stages Of A Relationship Breakup As You Try to Get Back Together With Your Ex

Get Back Together With Your Ex

The emotional roller coaster of a painful breakup generally affects both parties in similar ways. The intensity may be different for the person who wanted the breakup than for the 'dumpee', but both people will go through the emotional stages of a relationship breakup while you try to get back together with your ex.
Knowing and recognizing the different steps for what they are can help you move through the process a little easier. Each stage is necessary so you can heal and be whole and able to find love again some day. Don't try to shrotcut the steps, just remember that after you've gone through each stepyou will be on the road to feeling better.
(To win back the one you love go to ===> get back together with your ex.)

There is no time limit for how long each step should take to get through. How long it takes will depend on a lot of things such as how secure you are in yourself and what type of a support system you have.

Here are the 5 major steps in a relationship breakup as you try to get back together with your ex:

1) Pain. This will often hit hard and fast. At first the pain can be diminished somewhat by a feeling of disbelief but once that passes the pain can seem unbearable. This is a physical pain. You might not be able to eat or sleep. Everything seems like too much effort. You just want to crawl into a corner and be left alone.

2) Denial. This is the step when you start thinking that it is all a big mistake and surely your ex will realize it very soon and the two of you will get back together. That can be a dangerous way to think. It is important that you try to move through this stage as quickly as possible. Lingering too long in this stage can really make it harder to heal and move on.

3) Anger. This is when all your fear and hurt turns to anger. You are outraged that someone who claimed to love you could hurt you so deeply. This stage is very destructive and hurtful to both parties and if you're not careful how you handle this stage you migh sabotage any chances you have of getting back together.

It's also important to make sure you don't become overly bitter. If you let that bitterness grow too strong it could follow you into other relationships making it harder to ever having a fulfilling relationship again.

4) Grieving. At this stage you will mourn your lost relationship. You will often spend a lot of time reminiscing about all the good times the two of you had shared. It is very important to keep a close watch on your mental health during this stage.

If you ever feel like 'ending it all' make sure you seek help immediately. It is impossible to believe while going through this but you really will love again, if you allow yourself to.

5) Acceptance. You will finally reach a point where you realize that the old relationship is over. You are stronger and better able to start thinking more about your future and less about your past. This time can be bittersweet: you've realized and dealt with the fact that relationship is done which is sad, but you're also excited about new opportunities and convinced you will find love again. And it will be better than before based on what you have learned  from this experience.

The more you know about the emotional stages of a relationship breakup and how to deal with them the easier and quicker you can move on from living in the past to a bright new future whether its with your ex starting over or a new love. Just make sure you understand that this is all normal and it will get better, just hang in there.

Break-ups are difficult and painful, but you can learn from them and help to improve on the next one.  If you want your next relationship to be a fresh start with your ex, learn how to get them back here ===> get back together with your ex.

To your success in love,

Jo Chris
The Magic of Making Up
Get Back Together With Your Ex

Monday, September 7, 2009

Wanting To Get Back Together With Your Ex - How Do You Do It

et Back Together With Your Ex

It's a classic and tragic story. Boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy just wants girl back. It's so common that you could place an ad in the local paper:   "ex wanting to get back, please help." If you want to get back together with your ex, this is how you do it.

Even though break-ups happen everyday that doesn't make it any easier when it's you that's going through it. It is still painful and it still sucks.

You don't need to give up though. Here are a few things you can do that will make things easier, make you a better person and maybe help you get back together with your ex too.

 (This little bit of  information is just the beginning.  Learn all you need to know by going to ==> get back together with your ex.)

1) The first thing you want to do is cease and desist all calls, texts, emails, etc. It will be one of the hardest things you've ever done but you have to stop chasing your ex. Think about it for a minute. When someone is chased what do they do? That's right, they run. You don't want to push him or her further away from you. Back off and give them some space.
Remember, no one likes a weak, whiny, insecure person. That's just not a turn on. Your ex is no different. Don't cling or you will only push them further away.

2) Have fun. I know that this sounds like ridiculous advice, but it's imporatant. It kind of relates to step 1. Go out with friends and try to live everyday to the fullest. If you can do this you will benefit in a couple of ways.

For one thing your ex will hear about all the fun you're having and he or she will start to miss the fun the two of you used to have. Your ex will also remember why they fell in love with you in the first place.

It will also help you to keep your mind off of your ex for a little while. That is a good way to keep from going crazy during this difficult time.

A word of caution though: don't use this step as a pathetic and childish attempt to make your ex jealous. That is very immature and doesn't work. If you really care about your ex and you want that person back you should avoid stupid, destructive and childish games. No good relationship can ever be built on that foundation.

3) Try to communicate with your ex. Don't argue, or badger. Just talk...and listen. This isn't about being right, it's about trying to truly understand where the other person is coming from. This is a time to put your ego on hold.

If you feel like you should place an ad in your local paper that says: "ex wanting to get back" then you are pretty serious about wanting to get back together with your ex. Follow the simple tips I've listed here and you have a much better shot at making that happen. Plus...you can save the money on running any ad!

These are just a couple of steps in the process of getting back the one you love.  To learn everything you need to know to get back together with your ex go to ==> get back together with your ex.

To your success in love,

Jo Chris
The Magic of Making Up
Get Back Together With Your Ex

Sunday, September 6, 2009

What Is The Best Way To Get Back Together With Your Ex

Get Back Together With Your Ex

Few things in life suck as much as losing someone you love. It's very hard to deal with and if your like many broken hearted people, you will do just about anything to get back together with your ex. If you want to be with your ex again, don't give up. It is possible and I'll show you how.

In order to get back together with your ex you're going to need to think outside the box. When most people are trying to get their ex back they almost always do the wrong things.

That's why listening to your friends might be the worst thing you can do because chances are they'll tell you to do the exact opposite of what you should really be doing.

(Discover all the right things to do to get back the one you love at ===> get back together with your ex.)

Here is a list of some Do's and Don'ts. Follow this list and you will have a much better chance of getting back with your ex.


1) Harass, badger, nag, or threaten. No one likes to be pushed. Don't chase after her. She already gets the fact that you still care and you want her back, now it's time to back off a little bit and give her some space.

2) Lock yourself in your house and never go out. This is what many people do. They go to work but other than that they just hide in a dark room.

3) Hookup with someone else. Not only is this a good way to lose your ex for good, it's also unfair to the new person. You would just be using that person to get over your hurt.


1) Give your ex some space. Give him or her time to miss you. You can't be remembered fondly and missed if you are constantly in their face. This can be very difficult to do but it's one of the most important things to remember if you want your ex back.

2) Go out with your friends. Try to have fun. It will be hard, but it's very important not only for your mental health but also so that your ex will start to see you, again, as a fun loving person. The way they saw you when you first got together.

3) Be honest about whether or not the relationship is worth saving. Not all relationships should be saved. Also be willing to honestly admit whatever part you had in the relationship falling apart and be willing to make some changes to your behavior.

(The steps listed above are just some of the ones you need to follow to get back the one you love.  Learn everything you need to know by going to ===> get back together with you ex.)
To your success in love,
Jo Chris
The Magic of Making Up
Answers to Get  Back Together

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Tips to Get Back Together With Your Ex

The desire to get back together with your ex dominates the thoughts of many a man and woman. Perhaps you were the one to finish the relationship thinking that life was passing you by. Having been in the nightmare that is the singles world, you have decided that your ex was fantastic and now you need to know how to get your ex back. Or maybe you were the one who was dumped but having had time to pull yourself together you are determined to teach your former partner the error of their ways.

Before you consider how to get back together with your ex and have them in your life, you should be 100% sure that this is the outcome that you want. You are going to spend a lot of time and energy achieving this wish but it will be a waste of everyone's time if you are doing it solely for revenge.

This applies to those people that have been dumped so they start dreaming of revenge and how it will make them feel better. One quote that I believe in is "revenge is a dish best served cold." What it means is that you have to let your emotions, primarily your anger, cool off before taking any action. What I believe the quote is trying to achieve is that by the time you have cooled down, you will forget about your ex and be putting your energies into meeting someone new.

But for those of us who have decided that our ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend was the ONE, here are some tips to try and get back together with your ex.

1) Do not appear needy - desperation is never an attractive quality. You will be far more successful in attracting your ex mate if you appear to be living your life to the full. Don't call or make contact with them. You will have sufficient mutual friends to be able to appear to be in the same location as your ex by accident.

2) Do not stalk your ex - again this is not the way forward. You want them to come back to you not have them report you to the police for stalking.

3) Always look your best - wear their favorite clothes, hairstyle, makeup, etc. Remember all those little details that used to drive them wild and use them to your advantage.

(To learn everything you need to get your ex back, go to ===> get back together with your ex.)

4) Do not try and make your ex jealous by dating someone else - this is juvenile behaviour. There is never an excuse for using another person in this way.

5) Try being direct - men and women often have communication issues hence the best selling books such as "Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus" etc. So sometimes the best way to get back together with your ex is just to tell them how you feel. Apart from a little pride, what do you have to lose?

If you are certain that you want to get back together with your ex and having them in your life will make you happy, you need use these tips and pull out all the stops!

These tips are just the start. To learn everything you need to know to get your ex back, go to ===> get back together with your ex.

To your ultimate success in love,

Jo Chris

Friday, September 4, 2009

Still In Love With My Ex Girlfriend - How To Get Back Together With Your Ex

Many men tell me 'I'm still in love with my ex girlfriend.' They want to know if there's anything they can do to get back together with your ex. The very first question to ask men who think they want their ex back is to ask what they've already tried.

A man who is serious about getting his ex girlfriend back will usually say he's repeatedly tried to tell her how much he loves her and needs her. He's reassured her that he'll change and the relationship will be different if she gives him a second chance. This kind of begging and pleading simply shows a woman that you're desperate and often drives them even further away.

Some men will try the opposite tactic to pleading and they'll turn to bribery. Buying her expensive gifts or taking her to fancy restaurants in an attempt to impress her won't work either. She may accept your tokens, but bribery isn't the way to win back love and get back together with your ex.

The vast majority of women want to be in a relationship with a man who will listen to what she has to say. Even if she's just making small talk, it's important to her that she's heard. This doesn't mean you have to agree with everything she says. You just need to listen.

When asked if they're willing to listen to their ex girlfriends, men who are trying hard to get back together with their ex often say 'I've tried to listen, but she doesn't listen to a word I say.' Sometimes when men think they're listening, what they're really doing is hearing the problem and then immediately talking back to offer a solution to fix whatever problem his girlfriend is having. He believes because she doesn't hear a word he says that she's not listening.

However, only hearing the parts of the conversation you think you can help her with and then trying to make her listen to you first is not the same as YOU listening to your girlfriend's needs.

Women appreciate men who listen to them. Unfortunately, men communicate in slightly different ways, which could probably have been a contributing factor to your break up in the first place.

(More advice and tips to get your ex girlfriend back are at ===> get back together with your ex.)

If you're still thinking 'I'm still in love with my ex-girlfriend' and you want to get back together with your ex, then practice listening. Ask her a question and then listen to what she says intently. Make a comment about her response or ask another question relating to her response, but don't try to fix it or dismiss it as unimportant. Simply listen to her.

Women assume that a man who listens to her really cares. It tells you that you understand and that you're really interested. The next time you receive an opportunity to get together with your ex, take some time to establish eye contact and really listen intently to what she says.

At first, you might find your ex-girlfriend is a little confused or guarded about your sudden change, but when she realizes that you are interested in what she's saying she'll begin to relax and realize that you do care. She'll immediately begin wondering why her feelings for you went away and they should come rushing back when she understands that you really do still love her and really do want her back.

Still in love with your ex girlfriend? Want to know more about how to get her back? Go to ===> get back together with your ex.

To your success in love,

Jo Chris

Thursday, September 3, 2009

How to Win Love Back and Get Back Together With Your Ex

It's easy to fall into routines and habits in relationships where we all end up taking what we have for granted. We simply expect the other person to be there until one day the relationship comes crumbling down around you. Fortunately learning how to win love back and get back together with your ex is easier than most people believe.

The problem with most 'how to win love back' tactics is that they don't take into consideration the primary differences between the way men and women think. Women will try very hard to make their man understand how much they love him and need him, while men view actions as speaking louder than any words you can say.

If you're serious about learning how to win love back so you can get back together with your ex, then you'll need to spend a bit of time removing the words from your relationship's memories and taking a look at what your actions were saying.

Most women can think of times when they were trying hard to tell their man that they love him and want him to stay. You know the words you said, but what did your actions say? To a man, you would have been showing him how upset you were and how hurt you were. In his mind, he would have been thinking that he's the cause of all your misery, so you'd be better off if he just broke up with you. This means all your reassurances of how much you love him actually pushed him away!

(More insights and tactics revealed at ===> get back together with your ex.)

Think about all the times where you both argued and got angry. Your words might have been trying to make him see reason and understand your point of view, but your actions were telling him something very different. Your man wouldn't have heard the words you shouted at him. He would only have seen a very unhappy woman who really wasn't happy with the man before her. His mind would instantly have thought he was the cause of your misery and he believes it's easier to break up with you rather than keep making you so unhappy. The same thing is true if you give him the silent treatment.

When you're learning how to win back love in order to get back together with your ex, you have to realize that your actions will speak far louder than any words you can say. Your partner wants you to be happy. He also wants to believe you're happy when you're spending time with him. The best possible way to show him that he's the right man for you is to go out and work on your own self-confidence levels.

When you feel happy within yourself and you're confident and brimming with life, you're irresistible to the man who fell in love with you. After all, when the relationship was still new and exciting, you were both bubbly and happy and pleased to spend time with each other. This is the version of you your partner fell in love with.

Spend some time working on things that make you happy. Hang out with friends or take a walk to clear your unhappy thoughts. Watch a fun movie and then suggest that you catch up with your man over a friendly cup of coffee. Your actions will show that you're a more pleasant person to be with and his feelings will start to re-kindle as though by magic.

All your answers to how to win love back are available at ===> get back together with your ex.

To your ultimate success in love,

Jo Chris

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Get Back Together With Your Ex - Signs That Your Ex Want You Back

Many people find that once the relationship has broken up, there may still be some signs that your ex wants you back which will help you get back together with your ex.

Sometimes people end relationships for the wrong reasons. This could be because of an argument that led to them saying something they didn't really mean, or it could be because they ended up taking the relationship for granted. If your relationship has ended and you're wondering if those signals you're receiving are signs your ex wants you back and the chance for you to get back together with your ex, then there are some things you should think about.

There are some men who only want to keep in touch so they can get what they need from you when they want it. However, there are some specific signs that your ex wants you back instead of just wanting to get what he can get. It's important that you distinguish between real signs and things you hope to see.

Some women love their partners so much their imagination helps them to visualize their partner making positive signals to get them back. While it's easy to see the positive in anything he does when you're wanting him back, you must remember that some signals will be him just trying to get whatever he can get from you, while there will be definite clear signals that tell you he really wants to fix the relationship and start over.

Signs Your Ex Wants You Back - Get Back Together With Your Ex

Perhaps the biggest sign your ex wants you back is when he begins trying to communicate with you frequently. You start to notice you're getting phone calls or text messages and emails more regularly and he seems to want to just keep in touch. This is often a good sign that he wants to test the waters to see if you're still angry or if you're willing to talk.

If you notice during conversations with him that he keeps telling you about things he's doing that are new or different, these could be signs that he's trying to impress you by improving himself. In his mind, he'd be thinking he wasn't good enough to make the relationship work last time, so working to find ways to impress you, such as joining a gym or taking self-help classes or aiming at a new promotion at work or trying to earn more money could be ways for him to try and prove to you that he's a better catch now.

(This information is just the beginning. All the details to get back the one you love are available at ===> get back together with your ex.)

Another way to recognize signs your ex wants you back and that you could get back together with your ex could be listening carefully to the questions he asks you when you catch up again. If he seems to be very interested in what you're doing and who you spend your time with, then he still has some interest in you. He's testing the waters to be sure you don't have a new guy on the scene.

The biggest possible signs your ex wants you back are unmistakable, yet many women miss them! When he says to you 'I miss you and I want you back', this is an absolutely certain sign he really wants to come back. It's surprising how many men tell their ex-girlfriends this, yet the emotionally worried woman simply doesn't hear it – or worse, she doesn't believe it. She thinks it's a trick or that there's a catch.

The truth is, if he looks you in the eye and tells you he wants to come back, then don't quiz him or accuse him or be doubtful about his signs. Smile. Be the happy, confident person he fell in love with and that he enjoys spending time with. After all, it's the positive signs your ex wants you back that you should be looking for and then you can get back together with your ex.

More helpful tips to get you back with the one you love are available at ===> get back together with your ex.

To your ultimate success in love,

Jo Chris

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

How to Get Back Together With Your Ex

Are you thinking about ways how to get back together with your ex? Almost every adult on the planet has gone through a relationship break up at some point in their lives. Most of the time people simply move through the hurt and try to move on. What these people don't realize is that around 90% of all relationship break ups could have been stopped and if they've already happened, then they can be reversed.

The first step in learning how to get back with your ex is to look objectively at why the break up happened. You won't be able to change the reasons why you broke up, but you should be objective enough to realize that it takes two. This means accepting responsibility for your part in the relationship, understanding what mistakes you might have made and learning from them.

Try to think about what specific attributes attracted your ex to you when you first met. This doesn't necessarily mean your looks. It means ask yourself what did you do back then that made him so happy to spend plenty of time in your company?

Compare this to the time you spent together just before the break up. Was he becoming distant, which made you want to hang onto him even tighter? Was he pulling away, which made you try hard to let him know how much you loved him? Perhaps you spent plenty of time analyzing the relationship in an effort to fix it before the break up happened.

Each of these things spells 'needy' to a male, yet the biggest thing that attracts most men to their partners is a happy, confident girl that makes them feel good to be around. Neediness can often push a man away from even the best relationship.

One way to get back together with your ex is to work hard on regaining your confidence and your happiness. Remember, these are the things your ex fell in love with in the first place, and they're the same things that can make your ex fall in love with you all over again.

(If this information is starting to hit home, then I encourage you to take a look at get back together with your ex for all the details you need to get back with the one you love.)

Men and women communicate very differently to each other. Ladies, when you are trying to find out how to get back together with your ex, typically you'll attempt to get him to talk about what went wrong. You want to analyze and fix whatever was broken in the relationship.

Men won't view this as a sign that it should be fixed or that you should get back together. They simply view it as being too needy and they will begin wondering how to find someone who makes their time spent together happy and fun again.

The next big positive step you can take to get back with your ex is to arrange to meet for a chat about the possibility of remaining in touch with each other. Don't be surprised if he's initially a little hesitant. After all, he'll be remembering only the reasons you broke up.

He'll need some gentle reminding about all the reasons he fell in love with you in order to make him realize you were one of the best things that had happened to him. Your gentle reminders should be to show him that you're happy and confident again, just like you were when he fell in love with you the first time.

You shouldn't be yelling at him or blaming or accusing and you shouldn't be telling him all the good things you did. These things don't work. Simply allow him to see the happy, confident, independent person that swept him off his feet and his feelings will begin to re-emerge all on their own. Then you'll have a strong foundation to work from for how to get back together with your ex.

These steps are just the beginning. To seal the deal go to ===> how to get back together with your ex.

To your ultimate success in love,

Jo Chris

Monday, August 31, 2009

How to Fix a Failing Relationship - Start With the Little Things That Mean A Lot

There are plenty of things you can do if you want to know if you want to know how to fix a failing relationship including applying a variety of techniques to bring the intimacy back into your relationship. Many people begin to feel that the intimacy levels in their relationships begin to fade over time. They mistakenly believe this means the love is gone, but the truth is that all relationships develop into a pattern of habits and rituals that can often make people feel more like roommates than lovers.
Instead of giving up on your relationship, try using some relationship "self help techniques" to bring the intimacy levels back to where they were when you first met. They are some of the first steps in how to fix a failing relationship.

1. Small Talk
Research has shown that couples who engage in regular small talk will experience less arguments and fights throughout their relationship. Connective small talk doesn't mean bombarding your partner with an hour-long diatribe about every single thing you did during the day. Small talk is simply sharing opinions or observations from things you did through your day. It also means learning to avoid mono-syllable responses and actually showing a bit of interest in what each other is saying. Ask questions and respond to your partner with positivity.

2. Eye Contact
How many times do you really look your partner in the eye when you talk together? As relationships progress, many people tend to look in the direction of their partner's eyes, but they don't make eye contact. When you first met, eye contact would have been high. Humans react to eye contact as being a positive way to build intimacy. As you become more familiar with each other, this decreases over time, which also leads people to believe the intimacy is dying.

3. Non-sexual Physical Contact
Learning to touch your partner and encouraging them to touch you too in non-sexual ways can help to increase intimacy. Give your partner a hug without expecting it to lead to anything further. Offer your partner a back massage or a foot rub and don't have an ulterior motive. Hold hands when you're out together. These simple forms of physical contact re-establish a level of intimacy and trust in each other that can be very effective in how to fix a failing relationship.

If what you've read so far is hitting home for you, learn everything you need now to fix your failing relationship at ===>how to fix your failing relationship.

4. Appreciation

Instead of focusing on the things that annoy you about your partner, try focusing on the things you appreciate about them instead. There must be things about your partner that attracted you to them originally, so spend some time each day focusing on the positive things and don't waste time concentrating on the annoying traits that everyone has anyway.

5. Take "Me" Time

Far too many couples fall into a pattern of trying to spend all of their time with their partner. They begin to feel as though their partner is somehow deserting them if they want to spend a little time doing something without their significant other. While it's normal to enjoy each other's company, it's also important to remember that everyone needs a little alone time occasionally.
This could be something as simple as going out for a meal or a movie with friends, coffee with the girls, or football with the boys. Research shows that many couples improve their relationships when they display trust and encourage each other to spend a little time doing things they enjoy.

Looking for more advice on fixing your failing relationship? Go to ===> "how to fix a failing relationship."

To your ultimate success in love,

Jo Chris

Sunday, August 30, 2009

How to Fix a Failing Relationship

Knowing what to do and how to fix a failing relationship might seem like a hopeless task for some women. They worry endlessly that their relationship is falling apart and no matter what they do, their partner seems to be pulling further and further away from them. Then in an effort to pull their relationship back together, many women try to talk to their partner to find out what's wrong or what could be changed. Unfortunately these tactics can sometimes end up driving your partner even further away.

There are some psychologically proven principles you can put to good use for you when if you really want to know how to fix a failing relationship. But first it's important to understand the various phases of a relationship.

Most relationships make several transitions as they progress. The initial phases of attraction are based on mutual enjoyment of each others company. Your intimacy levels are high and you both want to spend more and more time with each other.

The key to keeping any relationship at the same electrically charged emotional levels they were at when you first met isn't what you'd expect. The key to keeping a relationship strong is attraction.

Many women begin trying to analyze every word their partner has said and the tone of his voice while he said it, trying to find a meaning behind why he's pulling away. They try to make sure they spend even more time with him, insist on knowing or finding out what he's doing when he's not with you or even forcing him to stop acting a certain way in an effort to make the relationship feel more stable.

In reality, these actions are driving you further apart instead of saving a relationship that was once great fun to be a part of. If you're serious about putting your relationship back on track and keeping it that way, then there are some things you'll need to think about.

Saying goodbye to the one you love is difficult. You can avoid having things get to that point. To learn more about fixing a failing relationship...go to ===> how to fix a failing relationship.

1. Back to the Beginning
Think about what aspect of you your partner fell in love with when you first met. Most men will say they fell in love with a woman who was fun, happy, bubbly, confident, independent and smart. Many women will say they fell in love with a happy, confident, funny, sensitive guy.

When you first met, you would have been working hard to make sure your partner enjoyed the time he spent in your company. As you became more familiar with each other, you felt secure that you didn't need to work quite so hard. Ask yourself what's changed about each of you since you first met.

2. Attraction
As mentioned before, the key to saving a relationship is attraction. When you're attracted to your partner and he's attracted to you, it's natural you both want to spend more time in each other's company. As you become more familiar with each other, the effort it takes to look good and behave in a fun manner falls away.

Attraction isn't always physically based. Many people are attracted to confidence and independence. Again, think carefully about what attracted your partner to you originally. This is the key to making your partner fall in love with you all over again.

3. Communication
Effective communication when you're working on finding out how to fix a failing relationship doesn't mean sitting down and talking over all the problems in the relationship for hours at a time. In fact, this could break your relationship even further apart.

You need to remember the type of conversations you had when you first met. Most frequently they would have been happy, light-hearted conversations that made you both feel good and made you both enjoy the time you spent together. It's natural for any human on the planet to avoid situations that make them feel bad, so try to find ways to communicate that make you both remember how much you enjoy each other's company.

This information is just the tip of the iceberg in learning more about fixing a failing relationship...go to ===> how to fix a failing relationship to find out what more you need to do to keep your love.

To your ultimate success in love,

Jo Chris

Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Story of Sam – Don’t Be A Dumped Boyfriend Who Does Everything Wrong

Sam was a dumped boyfriend. His girlfriend Keri had been unable to attend a party with him, but he wanted to go anyway. He ended up making out with some random girl and of course, one of Keri’s friends couldn’t wait to tell her the news.

Keri called Sam that night and told him that she never wanted to see him again. She called him a number of unprintable names as well.

Of course, Sam felt bad about the whole situation. He knew he had a lapse of judgment, but didn’t think that one evening of bad behavior should end a good relationship.

So, Sam jumped right in and tried to win Keri back. But, as we will see, he did everything wrong.

First of all, when Keri called, he groveled. Rather than apologizing and moving forward, he begged Keri to take him back. She, of course, was in no mood to do so. She was justifiably angry.

Then, he compounded the problem by pursuing her aggressively in the next few days. She got more than a hundred texts from him in 6 days. He called at least 3 times a day including once at 1 in the morning. He sent flowers to her at work.

Then, a week later, completely desperate, he went and sang love songs under her window. Her neighbors called the police.

Sam’s first problem was that he didn’t give Keri a chance to breathe. She needed some space to decide whether to go on with the relationship. And Sam, acting like a dumped boyfriend, took that space away.

(have you been dumped by your girlfriend? Need to know the right way to get her back? Click on this link===>dumped boyfriend for answers.)

When nothing seemed to work, Sam decided on another tactic. He started seeing other girls and flaunting it in her face. He even went to the extreme. Keri had a friend named Robin who never seemed to be able to get a date. Sam asked Robin out and she accepted. Then, Sam called Keri and asked her where Robin would like to go on their date. Sam thought that Keri would be jealous when she heard he was dating her friend but Keri was furious. She felt that Sam was taking advantage of Robin to get back at her. And, she felt Robin was selling her out. Sam wasn’t making any headway.

When Keri started dating a new guy, Sam did everything possible to disparage the boyfriend. He tried to compare the new guy unfavorably to himself. He even went as far as coming up with made up stories to try and put the new guy in a bad light.

Unfortunately, by this time, Sam had burned all of his bridges. Keri had moved on and didn’t want to have anything further to do with Sam.

The relationship didn’t have to end like this. Keri could have forgiven Sam for his lapse at the party. But, because Sam acted like an @$$ afterwards, he lost the ability to get her back.

If you are a dumped boyfriend, don’t compound matters by being a Sam.

(Don't be a Sam. Go to dumped boyfriend to get your girlfriend back.)

To your ultimate success in love,
Jo Chris

The Magic of Making Up

Thursday, August 6, 2009

5 Tips on Making Up with My Boyfriend

This advice was offered by a friend of mine - Not that I necessarily agree with all of her comments…but I believe that she may have a few valid points. Hopefully some of the information will be of help to you.

When making up with my boyfriend I tried to remember these tips that my older and wiser friend had given me. My ex and I got back together so I hope they work for you too.

1) Men don't like chit chat: Generally speaking men don’t like to talk in depth about their feelings and forcing the issue will just cause them to clam up even more. So when you are trying to get back together don’t force him to analyze what went wrong. If he behaved badly but is willing to apologize, accept it and move on.

2) Men can only concentrate on one thing at a time. This is really true so don’t try and fight it. Very few men can multi-task. Their genetics are to blame for this so shouting at him is pointless. The sooner you accept that your man cannot listen to you while reading his newspaper or watching TV the better. Most of the time, he is not ignoring you on purpose. The more you try to understand that this is the way he is programmed the fewer number of arguments you will have.

3) Men like toys. The joke is that men never grow up and show it by still playing with toys. Most men love to build things and start DIY jobs. Not all of them like to finish these jobs which can cause problems at home. Let your man indulge his hobbies, within reason. You can spend time with your girlfriends while he is fishing or building a boat. By compromising like this, he will probably be much more willing to spend time with you doing things together that you both enjoy.

4) Don’t assume that your man knows that you want to make up with him. Men in general tend to be a bit slow in picking up signals especially about relationships. For this reason, you sometimes need to be very direct and tell them exactly how you feel. Men don't like games unless they understand the rules like in golf or chess. Women, well we have a tendency to change the rules on dating more often than men change their shirts so we need to give them a break if they get a little confused.

(More tips are available at ===> making up with my boyfriend.)

5) Have you heard the joke - "Why does it take loads of sperm to fertilize one egg…because they refuse to stop for directions!" I know the men in my life would prefer to get lost, than admit defeat and stop to ask for directions. Generally men find it very hard to admit they are wrong. If you question what they say, they typically believe you are implying they have done something wrong. This can cause problems in modern relationships as women are so used to being the boss at work and giving others directions.

I am not suggesting that women have to become door mats or defer to their partners. But a little understanding of genetics and male species goes a long way to help resolve the question of making up with my boyfriend.

(Learn the best way in making up with my boyfriend.)

To your success in love,

Jo Chris

The Magic of Making Up

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Please Help Me to Get My Ex Girlfriend Back

How many times do men ask their friends how do I get my ex girlfriend back? Honestly, I thought it was a woman's prerogative to change her mind. But, some men just don't know when they are onto a good thing and their reasons for ending relationships border on the ridiculous.

My male friends have broken up with girls for:

1) wearing the wrong type of shoes!
2) Her mother
3) The new barmaid at his favorite bar smiled at him.

Now ok I know that a pretty face can turn any man's head and there is the dreaded notion that a woman may turn into her mother but come on guys - the wrong type of shoes? If women didn't date men because of the clothes they were wearing the human race would have died out long ago. Maybe there is something to the line that "behind every well dressed man is a good woman" - beginning early in life with his mother and later, when he get married, his wife!

I always tell my male friends that they need to make a list before they break up with their girlfriends. On one side of the list, you put her good points. Do you find her interesting? Does she look after you? Does she cook for you? Does she laugh at your jokes? Are you attracted to her? On the other side of the list, they can put the things that wind them up.

Now think about the things that drive you nuts. Ok she may nag at little too much but then if you put the toilet seat down she might stop. She may not want more than a cuddle every evening but five times a week doesn't mean that she isn't caring enough. Get the picture?

Writing the good and bad points of your life together down on paper may seem like a cold approach but it is a very practical way of seeing what a great relationship you do/did have. You need to compare the two lists and decide if you should be breaking up with this woman. And if you are doing it after the event, it also helps to clarify if you made the right decision to finish the relationship. Sometimes we regret breaking up because we end up feeling lonely. But loneliness is not a reason to get back together.

(Looking for answers, click on the link===> get my ex girlfriend back.)

If you have dumped the lady in your life but now know it was the wrong decision you need to act fast. Great life partners do not grow on trees. She has shown that she will put up with you in all your glory - how many women would be crazy enough to do that?

Take a page out of Richard Gere's book and put some romance back into her life. Send her flowers - not a bunch of red roses but some of her favorites. Send her a handwritten letter telling her how much you love her and miss her. Book a reservation at her favorite restaurant and treat her to a night out. In short, you need to treat her just like the princess you believe her to be and assuming you are not a complete disgrace, you won't have ask how to get my ex girlfriend back again.

(If you are interested in more tips, relationship advice is available at this link ===> get my ex girlfriend back...after all, couldn't we all use a little help?)

To your success in love,
Jo Chris
Get My Ex Girlfriend Back

Monday, August 3, 2009

You CAN Win Your Love Back - The Example of Katie and Brad

Sometimes I know it seems impossible, but you can win your love back. I’ve got a great story to share with you as an example. It’s the story of Katie and Brad.

See, Katie made a major mistake. She saw Brad talking to her best friend Andrea and thought he was flirting with her. Katie worked herself into a fury and broke up with Brad.

As it turned out, Brad was actually consulting with Andrea on how to put together a surprise romantic Valentine’s date. But he was extremely hurt that Katie would think so little of him and decided he didn’t want to have to do anything to do with her after that.

You may think that you couldn’t win your love back after such a situation. But Katie wasn’t willing to give up so easily. Let me tell you what she did to get back together with Brad.

Well, as you can imagine Brad wasn’t talking to her, so she couldn’t discuss the situation with him. But she could write him a letter. She got some nice paper and hand wrote an apology. She admitted that she had flown off the handle. She also told him what she liked about him and about the relationship. Finally, she expressed gratitude for his thoughtfulness in planning a romantic date. Then, she shut up. She didn’t call, text or email him for a week. By not pestering him, she gave him time to work through his emotions.

After a week, she sent him a short and sweet “thinking of you” email. She kept it casual.
Brad was obviously nuts about Katie because he was willing to go to the trouble of impressing her on Valentine’s Day. But, he was also hurt. Because Katie had apologized and given him time to work through his emotions, he was able to respond to the “thinking of you” email.

The night he got the email, he called Katie. She tried to keep things light and fun. Brad appreciated that. So, he suggested they meet for coffee and Katie agreed.

Katie went out of her way to look like a million bucks. She wore the earrings Brad had given her for Christmas and she put on the perfume that he liked so much.

Katie decided that she would only talk about positive things. She especially tried to bring fond memories into the conversation. She also asked about his family because that would reinforce their shared history and closeness.

Brad appreciated this. He loved Katie and didn’t want things to end. But, he didn’t want a repeat of the situation either. He needed to be reassured that their life together wouldn’t be filled with needless drama. He also needed to know that talking to another woman wouldn’t set off fireworks.

The couple agreed to get back together but that they would take the relationship to a less intense level. They would really court each other again. They would stop taking each other for granted.
(Katie followed the tips here, win your love back. It's the advice needed when you're trying to get back together with the one you love.)

Now, one year later, Brad and Katie agree that the break up may have actually saved their relationship over the long haul. While Katie initially flew off the handle, her calm handling of the situation afterward made it possible for them to move on. She showed you can win your love back.
(More information is available at win your love back.)

To your ultimate success in love,
Jo Chris

Saturday, August 1, 2009

What Worked for Me - How to Make My Ex Love Me Again

I've shared my story with others, who had been through a breakup, about how to make my ex love me again. They wanted to know what they to could do to get an ex back. For any others who may be going through the heartache of saying goodbye to a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or wife, here is the best way I recommend to get back together with your ex.

First, a little background is necessary to help explain why this action worked. Otherwise, without explanation it would be like trying to solve global warming without knowing what’s causing the problem in the first place.

I met my ex through someone I was dating. I had heard stories about him that didn’t always put him in the best light. However having said that, I still thought he was cute and deep down I knew I was attracted to him. When the first guy I was seeing and I were through, I still had the opportunity to be around my ex through another friend. That is when the attraction grew. His interest in me stemmed from the air of mystery and confidence I displayed. He asked me out because he wanted to learn more about me and solve that mystery. We became a couple because of that person who I was. However after several months he broke up with me because the mystery was gone and so was the confidence I displayed. I lost myself in him and the idea of us.

When he broke up with me I was heart broken. I didn’t want it to be over and I admit making mistakes in the way I was trying to get him back. After a couple of months wishing I could find a way about how I could get back together with him, I made my decision to stop crying, moping, feeling depressed, and acting stupid. If I was going to get my ex back then I needed to take positive action. The first step was asking the question about how to make my ex love me again. It’s amazing the answers that come when we just ask…but I don’t want to digress.

I started looking for help, trying to learn all I could. In my search I found one thing that stood out. The biggest thing I realized was that the attraction was gone when the person he first got together with was gone too. (I was no longer the cool, confident, easy come easy go person), So that was when I knew it was time to find me again. I needed to rediscover me not just for our sake but for mine as well. So I set out on a journey for change.

(My biggest help came from a guide that taught me how to make my ex love me again.)

First, I stopped communicating with him at every opportunity that came up, coming up with reasons to just talk to him. Because we were involved in the same circles, I would still see him. I was always polite and friendly but the interaction was brief. This was just to keep him within arm’s reach so he didn’t forget me and what we shared. From there though, I got busy…busy working on me.

I went back to night school. I started a new business, met new friends, started working out and getting healthy. I was learning who I was and becoming the person I always wanted to be.

Eventually, after a few months he started seeing something different in me. I was gaining my self confidence again, (by the way, a very attractive feature in anyone), and he was noticing. And although it was a little different this time, the air of mystery had returned. Plus, I was sporting a newly transformed body, mentality, and demeanor. And the combination of these things got him interested once again…so much so that we started seeing each other again.

To shorten and already long story, today we are back together in a much stronger, healthier, and happier relationship. I for one couldn’t be happier and I know I am a better person for all that this has taught me, better for us but mostly better for me.

That story was my answer in how to make my ex love me again. That story is most likely the answer to that question for you as well. Improve you and no matter what happens, you’ll come out on top. Just think; a better you and your ex back too. It’s like having cake and eating it too.

(If you are looking for answers on how to get back together with your ex, check out how to make my ex love me again.)
Wishing you peace, happiness, and ultimate love,
Jo Christ