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Thank you for visiting my site although I'm sorry it's under these circumstances. Having been through my own heartbreaks, I know the pain of breaking up with someone you love. My goal is to help you during this very difficult time and offer ways to help you get back together with your ex.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

How to Get a Woman Back If You Really Want Her

Have you recently said goodbye to the love of your life...or maybe she's said good bye to you but now you realize the you really want her back?  Depending on who you ask, some people might say it's easy to get a girl back.  Still others who don't believe in the possibility would probably just say to let her go.  Each scenario is different and the outcome of your endeavor to get a women back depends on a few things like the situation and both of the personalities involved in the relationship but in truth, typically with a little help and skill and definitely dedication on your part, you can get a women back into your arms again.

To get started on your path to get your woman back again you must first understand why she left in the first place and as you probably are already aware, there can be several reasons why a woman would leave her man.  However in the majority of instances there are two primary causes.  There is either boredom for her in her relationship of she is feeling under or absolutely no appreciation at all.  Consider this.  In a case where you may have cheated on the woman you want back, do you think that she would feel appreciated...especially after you had broken your trust with her?  I'm confident you've responded with a pretty firm, NO!!!

And us women, I have to admit that we get pretty fickle when too much predictability occurs in a relationship.  Now before you start going off about all the things you think you may have to do to avoid the boredom like showering her constantly with flowers, jewelry, compliments, and more let me clarify.  All I'm saying is to change things up on occasion.  If you come home every night after work tired and not wanting to do anything, that's what has to change.  On occasion you need to surprise her by taking her to dinner.  On occasion, go to the movies, or even ask the women you love and care about out on a date.  Don't get all crazy and go overboard because the can get to be the routine and most likely neither you or she wants that life.  Simplicity with a little "pizzazz" is a great way to avoid boredom and keep things fresh.

Always be considerate with the one you love as well.  Call when you say you're going to call.  Don't show up late to engagement and make sure to show the women you love that your care.  Don't leave her guessing whether you do or don't by not showing any affection at all.  It would be a good idea to pay attention to how you are talking to her, treating her, and whether you focus any time on her.  If you don't do these things...you can be sure the woman will notice and take action if she thinks the behavior is continuing for too long.  If she has already talked with you about this before then it is more likely her next conversation with you about this will be without words and just simply the closing of the door behind her as she leaves you behind.

After looking back at what may have gone wrong, you need to decide for certain what you want next before determining how to get a woman back.  It starts with a good long look in the mirror and a couple of very important questions.  First, identify to yourself in all sincerity the mistakes that you made? Then ask yourself if you still have feelings left for this  woman or are you just looking to get back into something comfortable such as your old routine? 

It's important after a relationship breaks up to take some time, take a step back, and look at it with some objectivity.  It's not a great place to be but a necessity none-the-less.  And it's a critical step if you want to win your woman back.  With so much involved in a relationship, taking this step back is the biggest step forward you could take in winning the woman you love back.

Just remember that while you are figuring out what to do to win the one you love back, it's also very important to take  care of you.  Putting some time and focus on that will also be a huge help and clarification as to whether you actually want to figure out how to get a women back.

To your success in love,

Jo Chris

P.S.  If you want some great advice to help get a woman back and bring back the one you love, learn from ==>> Get a Woman Back.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I Got My Boyfriend Back and I am So Very Happy about it I Could Simply Cry

Here's a story that was shared with me from a fan of one of the best resources I've ever seen to help get back together with your ex, The Magic of Making Up.  Remember, I can say that because it helped me to get back together with my ex and from this story, apparently it's helping others do the same.  Discover how Ashley got here boyfriend back here.

I've been hanging here on the couch together with my girl, Mandy, crying together with laughing both at the same time. In fact we're both being so goofy and o giddy, it really is a riot. Then I almost pee on myself when we get to laughing so hard. Oh No! Here I go starting to giggle again. Wait for a second.  As soon as I stop laughing I can tell you about it all....Okay, I'm good now.

See, it was nearly six months ago, though I can remember it like yesterday, my boyfriend dumped me.  He said it was over and then said goodbye. I know you can imagine, how so totally devastated I was.  At first I couldn't believe he told me that.  I was in shock.  Then, when the meaning of those words sunk in, I started to hurt...inside, like someone what digging a hole into my heart and yet it wasn't a physical pain just a hurt deep in my chest...It was a broken heart.

After that I was just a wreck.  It seemed that all I was doing was crying every moment of the day.  My mind was distracted and I couldn't think.  I found when I did think, it was only about my ex.  If you've ever had a broken heart then you know what I’m saying huh?

After just a few days into the saddest event of my life, it hit me! It was like a charge from a white hot lightning bolt piercing through the sky and hitting me. You know, I love this guy.  I really, really love him and spending the rest of my life with him was what I really wanted. That's when the initial question popped into my head about, "How do I get him back?"

I tried a borage texting and calling to no avail.  All he did was ignore me.  I even followed him like some kind of mad stalker...although it seemed perfectly sane at the time.  Then I hit my lowest when I went to his place and nearly begged him to take me back.  I was almost even on my knees. Jacob was very kind and gentle while he tried to explained what he was going through.  But then he asked me to leave and that’s when I lost it. I blew my top and then I left.

When I got home I immediately phoned Mandy, literally being unable to talk and bawling my eyes out again.  Thank God she rushed over not only to offer comfort but also give some much needed advice.

See, Mandy went through a breakup with her man last year as well.  She was very familiar with what I was going through so when we talked she told me how she had tried all the same things I had and you know what...they didn’t work for her either. It was then I asked, "O.K., so how did you get John back then?”

She said, “Lisen.” “Ashley first off,  you've got to stop acting like such a fool. Now's the time you need to figure why Jacob left you.  Then, once we discover that we can layout the game plan that will get him back.” And trust me that‘s exactly what we did.

Mandy busted out her copy of the “Magic of Making Up” and wrote down the list of strategies she used and the ones I would need to utilize if I really wanted to win my ex back:

* Start working on me to look my best, not just part of the time but all of the time
* Figure out why Jacob and I had fallen in love in the first place

* Get back to doing the things that had originally attracted Jacob to me
* Stop bothering him...IE: stop texting, stop calling, and stop going to his house

To put and end to an already long story, I went through with our battle plan.  I followed it to a "T" and guess what.  Last night Jacob asked me to marry him. Oh my God! And the ring is gorgeous. And that is the reason why I’m so happy I could cry.

But to tell you the truth, without Mandy's help and her tips from the Magic of Making Up I would have lost Jacob and he would be gone forever.

That's wonderful news for Ashley.  You can see that she is definitely excited and there is a tremendous amount of joy in her recent turn of events.  It is an amazing and wonderful feeling when you can say, I got my boyfriend back.

Wishing for you the biggest success in love,

Jo Chris
The Magic of Making Up

P.S.   Do you want to get your boyfriend or girlfriend back?  Learn how at ==> I got my boyfriend back.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Here's Some "How Do I Win Ex Back Advice" That Works

When you break up with someone or that person breaks up with you, there are a ton of different emotions swirling around.  Initially, if you're the person left behind the idea of winning your ex back comes automatically.  However, if you're the person who left...then the thought of winning your ex back doesn't come to mind until you realize that this is the person you care about and want to be with.  Then you are left desperate looking for some how to win ex back advice that will work.  After all, breaking someone's heart is going to require more than chocolates and flowers to fix.

Before you go pursing the one you left, it would be a good idea to really consider if you want that person back because you really care about him or are you just looking to fill a void and heck, you are familiar with this person so why not...at least until the next best thing comes along.  If you aren't looking for something permanent, please do your ex a favor and leave him alone.

If you are the one left behind and you are trying to get the how to win ex back advice for yourself, I would give the same precautions.  Make sure this person...this relationship is something you really want before putting the time and energy it will take to win your ex back.

If after thinking about the subject you decide to move on then just remember the lesson the event taught you in order to hopefully make your next relationship better.  However, if you have decided your ex is the one for you...great!  Now it's time to get him.

First, always remember compassion.  If you were the one walking out the door it's important to understand the hurt and pain you caused to the one watching you go.  If you were the one left behind, this is an excellent time to recognize that there was a reason your current ex left.  And if you want that ex back, it time to make those changes now. 

Hey, it's always important to remember that relationships are a two way street.  In both ways, understanding, compassion, and respect are a must in order to make the relationship a success.  The old saying do unto others....yea, you know it...works really well here.     

Now it's time to apply the strategies in the how to win ex back advice that will help convince them to give you a another chance.  And believe me when I say there are a lot of strategies.  Let's just make sure to stick with the ones that work, okay?

First, it helps if you can see their point of view.  Try to understand how they are feeling and take things gently and at their pace. If you did the breaking up, you may need to convince them that you are not just bored of single life but actually miss them as a person.  You will have to remind them of all the reasons why they fell in love with you and why your relationship as a couple is worth salvaging.  If you were the one your ex was leaving, it's time to make some changes in your life that will captivate your ex's attention and make him want you back.  (Just remember that trying to make him or her jealous is not a winning tactic.) 

Regardless of which side of the fence you reside from, remember there is no way you can force another person to fall in love with you.  That technique isn't even worth trying.  Getting angry or jealous doesn't work either.  You need to show them that you are mature and worth their time.  You need to prove that you are 100% committed to achieving happiness as a couple and that you want them in your life forever and not just because you are now lonely.

It would be well worth reading a couple of relationship advice books to make sure that you give this chance to win ex back your best shot.  We often only get one real chance to convince our ex partners to take us back.  Don't ruin it by being unprepared.

Follow this how to win ex back advice and get the one you love back in the quickest time you ever thought possible.

To your success in love

Jo Chris

P.S.  Here's the book that helped me and thousands of others win back my ex ==> win ex back advice.
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